Westmont Magazine The Final Sweep

Custodian Retires with a Song and a Limo Ride
Longtime custodian Rodelio ‘Rod’ Callos, known by generations of students for his colorful clothing and exuberant conversations, retired from Westmont with much fanfare. On one of his final days, he arrived by limousine and led the worship band in chapel. Rod joined the Westmont janitorial staff in March 1992.
At chapel November 17, Rod played the acoustic guitar and sang “Jesus on the Mainline,” “I Lift My Voice,” “At the Cross” and “I Surrender All” in English and in his native language, Tagalog. At the beginning of chapel, Eben Drost, worship team director, played video footage of Spring Sing from 1996 featuring Rod performing a custodial martial arts dance, ending with the splits. In all, Rod has performed in seven Spring Sings, including two side acts. He volunteered for Potter’s Clay trips and attended Warrior athletic events.
A Facebook post about Rod’s chapel performance reached 5,300 people, garnering more than 430 likes and 26 comments. An Instagram story about Rod's retirement elicited more than 100 replies. Kylie Ren posted: “I’ve never seen Rod without a smile. Thanks for keeping us company on shuttle rides, cleaning our home for four years, joining in Spring Sing, and always giving great movie and restaurant recommendations. You will be missed!”
Chris Maes, a Westmont campus safety officer for 18 years, decided to drive Rod to work in a limo on his final day. “It’s a pleasure to have Rod as a friend,” says Maes, who owns two presidential-style limousines. “Like Rod, my wife is also from the Philippines, and we’ve built a friendship during my time at Westmont.”
Photos of Rod posing with the limo in front of Kerrwood Hall reached more than 5,400 people on Facebook with nearly 500 likes and 35 comments. Ruth Musson Clayton said: “Rod is a legend of Westmont that no one will ever forget!! Congrats! Westmont won’t be quite the same without you. Thanks for all the years of taking care of your ‘kids’!” Kirsten Morissette posted: “After 30 years of cleaning up after college students, thank you for all you did.”