June 2020 955 Newsletter
Dear Alumni,
When Jesus landed and saw a large crowd, he had compassion on them…Taking the five loaves and the two fish and looking up to heaven, he gave thanks and broke the loaves. Then he gave them to his disciples to distribute to the people. He also divided the two fish among them all. They all ate and were satisfied, and the disciples picked up twelve basketfuls of broken pieces of bread and fish. The number of the men who had eaten was five thousand. Mark 6:34, 41-44
In this Gospel account, Jesus takes a meager offering from his followers and creates abundance. A hungry crowd eats their fill with food left over! This gives me great confidence that we can offer what we have to his service, and he will make it more than sufficient. I’ve been meditating on this as we transition from the end of one academic year and begin preparations for the next. While we’re in uncharted territory in working to bring students back to campus in the fall, we know we have reason for great hope.
President Beebe has suggested we avoid thinking in terms of a “post-COVID” world and expecting life to resume as it was before but consider how to be as safe as possible as we reengage in community. I expect you’re trying to figure that out yourself for work, school, extended family, vacations and more. Today the college is planning how to keep the campus community safe in the fall. We look forward to students returning to campus, and we’re working hard to make it possible. Classes, chapel, residence halls, dining; every part of campus life will adjust.
We’re making one exciting change today: offering a new Alumni Book Group. Alums of many colleges and universities are joining book clubs to read and discuss literature. We’re pleased to offer this new program at a time we’re longing for substantial connection with one another. We hope and pray you’ll take part, invite alumni friends and vote for the next book offering!
Sarah Camp
Interim Senior Director of Alumni and Parent Relations
Join the Westmont College Alumni Book Club!
We’re launching the Westmont Alumni Book Club! Participation is free—just sign up, get a copy of the book, start reading and join the discussion. We’re inviting Westmont faculty and staff to join as well. The book club operates through a private, online forum where we'll discuss the current book and network with other participants. We’ll spend two months on each book, so you’ll have plenty of time to read. Invite your alumni friends!

"I Love You When You're Close and When You're Far Away"
Westmont Alum Pens Children's Book
Benjamin Lindquist '08, an emergency medicine physician at Stanford Medicine, said, "I was challenged to explain to our two-year old daughter why we couldn’t play with her grandparents due to social distancing. I turned the explanation into a children's book, to help raise funds for global healthcare workers. We've already raised $1000 for personal protective equipment."
The book is available online.

The Promise of Living
Enjoy this gift of song from the Westmont choir led by Michael Shasberger.
Westmont Connect is Back Online!

Westmont Connect is back online! Check out job postings, share your news, and make connections within the Westmont alumni community.
Alumni Distinguished Service Awards
You’re invited to nominate alums for the annual alumni distinguished service awards for 2020! You can enter your nomination(s) here.
Thank you in advance for taking time to share information about wonderful alumni from across the nation and around the world in a wide array of fields. The deadline for nomination is June 15, 2020, with four categories.
The Alumnus and Alumna of the Year Award recognizes distinguished careers and lives modeling Westmont’s values. Their outstanding contributions to their profession and community reflect well on Westmont and enhance its reputation.
The Young Alumni Award commends a graduate of the past 10 years with a distinguished professional career who shows promise for the future and models Westmont’s Christian principles and values.
The Global Service Award honors devoted service to God’s kingdom through international, missionary or non-profit work by living a faithful Christian life in a diverse, complex and quickly changing society as a citizen and servant of the world.
The COVID-19 Servant Leader Award (2020 only) pays tribute to an alumnus or alumna meeting needs arising from the global pandemic, whether on the front lines or behind the scenes.
Keep the Homecoming Themes Coming!
Keep sending in those Homecoming 2020 theme suggestions! The winning theme will receive a $30 gift card.
If you have skills and experience related to putting on/hosting virtual events, we’d also love to hear from you. Submit your theme ideas and share your virtual suggestions with us at alumni@rf518.com
Class Reunion Teams Forming for Classes Ending in 0s and 5s
It’s time to plan reunions. Would you like to help? Reach out now to a few classmates to make planning even more fun. Email us at alumni@rf518.com. We’ll keep you up to date on news and to-dos to get reunions events rolling.
Alumni Advisory Council Adding Members
Thank you to those who have already expressed interest in the Alumni Advisory Council. We’re working on a skills and interest survey for these key volunteers, which interested alumni will receive in the coming weeks. If you are interested in the Alumni Advisory Council, please contact us at alumni@rf518.com.
Help Unlock a $25,000 Matching Gift
As we work to get ready to receive students in the fall and remain resilient throughout the year, I humbly ask you to consider joining us in supporting Westmont’s COVID-19 Emergency Relief Fund.
I make this request knowing you may be experiencing challenging financial circumstances. Support from alumni plays a vital role in our ability to return students to campus, and we invite you to give at any level that makes sense for you. A donor has pledged to match any gift alumni made to the COVID-19 Emergency Relief Fund up to a total of $25,000.
Would you consider making a gift of $10, $25, or $50 to support the COVID-19 Emergency Relief Fund today? Thank you for considering joining in this Westmont community effort—whatever you can give will make a difference.
Please join us!
Full Bright Scholarships Ed Song has reviewed and approved

The Fulbright Program promotes cultural exchange between the United States and other countries. Through this highly competitive initiative, students, scholars, teachers, professionals, scientists and artists may receive scholarships or grants to study, conduct research, teach or exercise their talents abroad. The duration and dates vary by country, and applicants include: recent graduates; master’s and doctoral candidates; and young professionals, including writers, creative and performing artists, journalists and those in law, business and other professional fields.
While most applicants recently graduated from college, the program accepts people of all ages. You can apply at-large or through an institution, which conveys a slight benefit. While experiences overseas face some uncertainty at this time, awards apply for programs that begin in fall 2021. Read more about Fulbright Scholarships online. To learn more about applying through Westmont, email Edward H. K. Song, Ph.D., at edwardsong@rf518.com.
Prayer Requests

Do you need prayer? A team of prayer warriors is praying for each request sent to prayers@rf518.com.